In the domain brokerage and sales business, there is no feeling more satisfying than seeing a domain you once owned be developed into a successful website. While all businesses want to get the highest possible price for their product, in domain sales there is a great degree of validation when you see a domain built […]
Transferring a domain name is something that many people who own a website will encounter over the course of running their business. While the process is relatively simple, for most people it is not something that you will do often, and therefor, can seem daunting and risky. Fortunately, the operation is quite simple and straight […]
Every startup wants a name that pops, one that people will remember and associate with something significant. Most times, however, they have to settle for less. Not all business names suit a startup but that’s not enough to deter proprietors from using them. A startup name should be selected with the intention to grow and […]
If you’re trying to establish an online presence, you need a domain name that resonates with your audience. That name should stand out and leave a lasting impression, a good one. Not just any name will do. To choose the best domain name that’s appropriate for your brand, here are some tips to mull over. […]